Who we are

ZEKUR is a brand of Univé. We offer insurances for your health, home, car, van, motorcycle and bicycle and insurance for self-employed or small businesses. ZEKUR offers insurance bundles on the base of execution only. This means you decide if the insurance is right for you and take it out yourself, without the help of an agent. 

Our goal is to bring insurance back to its roots. An insurance is meant to be there for unexpected events and the costs that come from those experiences. It’s about the costs you cannot afford yourself. 

How ZEKUR works

At ZEKUR, we bundle our insurances. You pick which bundle is best for you. Bundling makes choosing the right insurances for you easier and allows us to keep our pricing competitive.

We aim to keep our pricing competitive so you can spend your money on things you enjoy. In part, we are able to offer you such a good price by communicating in Dutch only and allowing you to take out your insurance online. We do not offer translations of our documents and are not able to talk to you in any other language than Dutch. This means that if you can’t understand Dutch, you should use the help of a translator when applying for insurance or ask someone who speaks Dutch to help you when you contact us. 

ZEKUR is an online insurance provider. This means that you:

  • Take out, change and cancel insurance or services online
  • Receive your policies, letters and other documents digitally only
  • Declare your damages and health insurance bills online
  • Contact us using our chat or social media

Our insurances

However, we would like to introduce our insurance products to you, in English. This is the only English information we provide.  

Health insurance

Health insurance is compulsory for anyone who lives or works in the Netherlands. Read more about our health insurance in English

Home insurance

Everyone has a different living situation. And of course you want your insurance to suit your specific needs. With ZEKUR Wonen, we have an insurance bundle tailored to your living situation and your needs. Every ZEKUR Wonen bundle includes contents and liability insurance. The liability insurance covers everyone in your household, even your pets! This way, you will not face unaffordable risks when something does happen.

More about ZEKUR Wonen (in Dutch)

On the road

Whether you choose to travel by car, motorcycle, van or bicycle, ZEKUR has an insurance for you. It is compulsory to have liability insurance for your car, motorcycle and van. This covers damage you cause to other people or other vehicles. You can choose to extend the coverage to include damage to your own vehicle also. It’s also possible to include additional insurance, such as road assistance or legal counsel.

More about ZEKUR Auto (in Dutch)

More about ZEKUR Bestelauto (in Dutch)

More about ZEKUR Motor (in Dutch)

More about ZEKUR Fiets (in Dutch)

Business insurances

If you are self-employed, it can be quite difficult to find the right insurance to ensure you’re covered during your work. With ZEKUR ZZP, we’ve tailored our bundles to your occupation. And if you grow your business, either by growing your yearly revenue or by employing personnel, you can move up to ZEKUR MKB. 

More about ZEKUR ZZP (in Dutch)

More about ZEKUR MKB (in Dutch)


If you have any questions, our customer service is happy to help you. Be aware they only communicate in Dutch. You can contact us using chat and WhatsApp.